Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Adelaide and Perth - Primo Estate is coming to Town!
Joe Grilli is hitting the road for a series of Budburst Dinners with our Amici across Australia. We will be pouring a selection of Primo Estate and JOSEPH wines paired with specially created menus at the following fabulous venues:
Brisbane Budburst Dinner
Tuesday 28th August
Era Bistro, 102 Melbourne St, South Brisbane
$125.00 per person. Call Kate at Era to book on 07 3255 2033 or email events@erabistro.com.au
Melbourne Budburst Dinner
Wednesday 29th August
Sosta Cucina, 12 Errol St, North Melbourne VIC 3051
$120.00 per person. Call 03 9329 2882 or book online at sosta.com.au/book
Sydney Budburst Dinner
Thursday 30th August
Kitchen by Mike, 85 Dunning Avenue, Rosebery, Sydney 2018
$125.00 per person. Call 02 90450910 or email info@kitchenbymike.com.au
Canberra Budburst Dinner - SOLD OUT
Friday 31st August
Royal Canberra Golf Club, Bentham Street, Yarralumba ACT 2600
Perth Budburst Dinner
Wednesday 5th September
Cognito, 128 Wellington St, Mosman Park, WA 6012
Booking details coming shortly
Adelaide Budburst Dinner
Friday 7th September
Rigoni's Bistro, Leigh St, Adelaide
$125.00 per person. Call 08 8231 5160 or email info@rigonis.com.au