Nonna's Christmas Biscotti

- 375 ml JOSEPH The Fronti Fortified
- 250 ml sunflower oil
- 250 g caster sugar
- 60 ml vanillin sugar
- 500 g self raising flour
- 500 g plain flour
- 125 g dessicated coconut
Nonna Grilli would make these crunchy biscotti on Christmas morning.
As she baked, the house would fill with the scents of scents of vanilla, sherry, and coconut.
They're crisp, crunchy, and perfect for dunking in a hot cafè latte!
1. Heat your oven to 200°C.
2. Mix the Fronti Fortified, sunflower oil, flours, caster sugar and coconut in a mixing bowl until they are well combined.
3. Roll the dough into a 'snake' about 1cm thick.
4. Cut the 'snake' into 8cm lengths, and shape into crescent bows as pictured.
5. Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper. Dip the biscuits into the vanillin sugar to coat one side then place them sugar side up on the tray.
6. Place tray in oven for 15 to 20 minutes until the biscuits are golden brown.
7. Remove from oven and allow to cool.
Serve with a cafè latte and a glass of JOSEPH The Fronti Fortified. We recommend dunking the biscuits in both!